The Poznan University of Technology hosted the awards ceremony for the EUNICE Start Cup winners on Monday, June 5. The local stage of the competition was carried out in the frame of WP5 task "EUNICE Imagine Innovation Cup".
The ceremony was attended by representatives of the university and faculties authorities as well as PUT employees involved in workshops and representatives of all partner universities. The guests from partnering universities visited Poznan for the occasion of the EUNICE consortium meeting. The gala was also attended by the President of Aquanet, Mr. Paweł Chudziński and representatives of Intel Technology Poland (Marek Zmuda, Paweł Latusek), Enea Operator (Przemysław Starzyński), Solaris Bus & Coach (Karolina Bugiel). The ceremony was an opportunity not only to honour the winners of the EUNICE Start Cup, but also to present information about the EUNICE 4U European University and the course of the EUNICE Start Cup competition.
Representatives of the teams participating in the 1st phase of the competition, including :
- a team from the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications (Agata Buchwald, Paweł Dopierała, Kacper Garncarek, the project TripyTipy application)
- a team from the Faculty of Engineering Management (Mikołaj Kurzawski, Julia Gumińska, Bartosz Ciesielski and Grzegorz Kołpowski, the project StepByStep application)
received certificates and small gifts.
The rector, prof. Teofil Jesionowski, Vice-Rector for International Relations, prof. Paweł Śniatała, leader of the EUNICE project, Chancellor of PP, dr. Łukasz Kalupa, chairman of the competition committee and President of Aquanet, Paweł Chudziński handed over diplomas and financial prizes to the winners of the competition for taking:
- third place - Joanna Kubiak, PhD student from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy for the project of a "radioactive" educational board game; mentor of Dominika Seifert-Łatka, Academic Incubator of Entrepreneurship;
- second place - a team of doctoral students: Hassan Bazazzadeh (Faculty of Architecture), Alireza Tabrizikahou (Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering), Behnam Pourahmadi (Faculty of Engineering Management) for the Energenius project, an application for climate modernization and energy efficiency of buildings; mentor Andrzej Jankowski, Intel Technology Poland;
- first place - Maja Maćkowiak, a student at the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications for the idea of the SEEMS GREEN application (Energy Management Security Education Shopping & Saving App); mentor Marek Zmuda, Intel Technology Poland.
Maja Maćkowiak, winner of the EUNICE Start Cup, was invited by Cristina Satriano to attend the international final of the "EUNICE Imagine Innovation Cup" on July 18 in Catania, Sicily. Maja will compete with the winners of local competitions from six partner universities.
The winners also received gifts from Solaris Bus & Coach. The award ceremony was concluded with brief presentations of the awarded projects.
We would like to thank all the students who submitted very interesting and diverse ideas for start-ups and those involved in implementing the EUNICE Start Cup. We congratulate the winners and wish the winner success and unforgettable impressions during the "EUNICE Imagine Innovation Cup" final in Catania.
See the photo gallery HERE